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Register trainee teachers - Installation

Clone the repo:

git clone

Setup the application libraries and dependencies

Run setup:


Run yarn:

yarn install

Add a file to config/settings called development.local.yml containing the following:

      use_ssl: false

Start the server

To start all the processes you'll need to first create a local file with the following:

web: bin/rails server -p 3000
js: yarn build --watch
css: yarn build:css --watch
worker: bundle exec sidekiq -t 25 -C config/sidekiq.yml

there is a you can rename and modify to do this.

Then run the following command:


To run the processes seperately, you can do the following:

  1. Run bundle exec rails server to launch the app on http://localhost:5000
  2. Run yarn build --watch for js
  3. Run yarn build:css --watch for css

Using Docker

Run this in a shell and leave it running after cloning the repo:

docker compose up --build --detach

You can then follow the log output with

docker compose logs --follow

The first time you run the app, you need to set up the databases. With the above command running separately, do:

docker compose exec web /bin/sh -c "bundle exec rails db:setup"

And make sure to seed the application with whichever data you need.

Then open http://localhost:3001 to see the app.

Run The Server in SSL Mode

By default the server does not run in SSL mode. If you want to run the local server in SSL mode, you can do so by setting the environment variable SETTINGS__USE_SSL, for example, use this command to run the server:


Trust the TLS certificate

Depending on your browser you may need to add the automatically generated SSL certificate to your OS keychain to make the browser trust the local site.

On macOS:

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain config/localhost/https/localhost.crt

When running the https local dev environment if you are on Mac and using Chrome you may need to get past an invalid certificate screen.

Seeding Data

Example Data

If you want to seed the database with example data, follow the steps below:

bin/rails example_data:generate

Using a Dev persona (optional)

This will allow you to create a dev persona with your own email address - useful for when testing mailers/notify.

create the file config/initializers/developer_persona.rb and add your own credentials in the format:

DEVELOPER_PERSONA = { first_name: "first", last_name: "last", email: "", system_admin: true }.freeze

Sanitised Data

If you want to seed the database with a sanitised production dump, follow the steps below:

  • Download the sanitised production dump from the Azure Storage Account.
  • In the Azure portal, go to 'Storage Accounts' -> 's189p01rttdbbkppdsa' -> 'Containers' -> 'database-backup'
  • Download the latest sanitised backup.
  • Unzip the file and you should see a file called backup_sanitised.sql.

Then run the following command to populate the database:

psql register_trainee_teacher_data_development < ~/Downloads/backup_sanitised.sql

Schools data

Get Information about Schools holds the most complete information for schools. Teacher Training Courses API holds the most complete information for lead schools.

In order to create and update the schools and the lead schools follow the below steps

  1. Download Get Information about Schools data
  2. Generate data/schools_gias.csv from GIAS data
  3. Import schools from csv data/schools_gias.csv
  4. Realign lead partner with school name

Download Get Information about Schools data

  1. Go to Get Information about Schools Download page
  2. From Open academies and free schools data select Academies and free school fields CSV
  3. From Open state-funded schools data select State-funded school fields CSV
  4. Click on Download selected files
  5. Extract content to ./data directory

Generate data/schools_gias.csv from GIAS data

To generate the data/schools_gias.csv from GIAS data, use the following rake task:

# gias_csv_1_path: path to the GIAS file
# gias_csv_2_path: path to the GIAS file
# output_path: optional, path to the output file, default to `data/schools_gias.csv`
bundle exec rake schools_data:generate_csv_from_gias\[gias_csv_1_path,gias_csv_2_path,output_path\]

# as an example
  bundle exec rake schools_data:generate_csv_from_gias\[./data/edubaseallacademiesandfree20250115.csv,./data/edubaseallstatefunded20250115.csv\]

Import schools from csv data/schools_gias.csv

To import schools from csv data/schools_gias.csv, use the following rake task:

bundle exec rake schools_data:import_gias

Realign lead partner with school name

To realign lead partner with school name, use the following rake task:

bundle exec rake schools_data:realign_lead_partner_with_school_name

Running Apply application import against example data

Add the following to your development.local.yml:

  import_applications_from_apply: true

  base_url: ""
  auth_token: <request token from Apply team>

Running the following script:

RecruitsApi::ImportApplication.class_eval do
  def provider