ITT Mentor Services - Data model
[!NOTE] This is a draft document. It will change as we develop our understanding of the services that this application encapsulates.
This application will power two user-facing services: 'Manage school placements' and 'Claim funding for mentor training' (a.k.a. Track & Pay). Some data entities will be used by both services – for example, Mentors, Providers and Schools. Others will only be relevant to one service – for example, Funding Claims and School Placements.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
This diagram represents our current understanding of the data models that will exist within this application.
There are a few things to bear in mind when reading this:
- This diagram attempts to bridge the gap between a 'high level' list of entities, and a 'low level' database schema. It sits somewhere in between.
- It is incomplete. As we continue developing our services, this diagram will undoubtedly change and grow.
AcademicYear {
uuid id PK
string name
date starts_on
date ends_on
ClaimWindow {
uuid id PK
uuid academic_year_id
date starts_on
date ends_on
date discarded_at
Claim {
uuid id PK
uuid school_id FK
uuid provider_id FK
string reference
datetime submitted_at
string created_by_type
uuid created_by_id
enum status "internal draft, draft or submitted"
string submitted_by_type
uuid submitted_by_id
bool reviewed
uuid previous_revision_id FK
uuid claim_window_id FK
MentorMembership {
uuid id PK
string type "This is used to define which service this particular membership belongs to. Placements::MentorMembership or Claims::MentorMembership"
uuid mentor_id FK
uuid school_id FK
MentorTraining {
uuid id PK
enum training_type "refresher or initial"
integer hours_completed
datetime date_completed
uuid claim_id FK
uuid mentor_id FK
uuid provider_id FK
Mentor {
uuid id PK
string first_name
string last_name
string trn FK "Primary key for people in DQT"
Partnership {
uuid id PK
uuid school_id FK
uuid provider_id FK
PlacementAdditionalSubject {
uuid id PK
uuid subject_id FK
uuid placement_id FK
PlacementMentorJoin {
uuid id PK
uuid mentor_id FK
uuid placement_id FK
Placement {
uuid id PK
uuid school_id FK
enum status "draft or published"
uuid provider_id FK
uuid subject_id FK
enum year_group "year_1, year_2,... or year_6"
Provider {
uuid id PK
bool accredited "Default FALSE"
string address1
string address2
string address3
string city
string code FK "Primary key for providers in the Teacher Training Courses API"
string country
string email_address
string name
bool placements_service "Indicates if the Provider has been onboarded into the School Placements service"
string postcode
enum provider_type
string telephone
string town
string ukprn
string urn
string website
SchoolContact {
uuid id PK
string name "No longer used"
string email_address
uuid school_id FK
string first_name
string last_name
School {
uuid id PK
string address1
string address2
string address3
string admissions_policy
string district_admin_code
string district_admin_name
string email_address
string gender
string group
date last_inspection_date
string local_authority_code
string local_authority_name
float latitude
float longitude
integer maximum_age
integer minimum_age
string name
integer percentage_free_school_meals
string phase
string postcode
string rating
string religious_character
integer school_capacity
string send_provision
string special_classes
string telephone
integer total_boys
integer total_girls
integer total_pupils
string town
string training_with_disabilities
string type_of_establishment
string ukprn
string urban_or_rural
string urn FK "Primary key for schools in GIAS"
string website
uuid region_id FK
uuid trust_id FK
bool placements_service "Indicates if the School has been onboarded into the School Placements service"
bool claims_service "Indicates if the School has been onboarded into the Track & Pay service"
float longitude
float latitude
datetime claims_grant_conditions_accepted_at
uuid claims_grant_conditions_accepted_by_id
Subject {
uuid id PK
string subject_area "primary or secondary"
string name
string code "code comes from publish API, but it is not a FK"
uuid parent_subject_id FK
Region {
uuid id PK
string claims_funding_available_per_hour_currency "Default 'GBP'"
integer claims_funding_available_per_hour_pence "Default 0"
string name
Trust {
uuid id PK
string name
string uid
UserMembership {
uuid id PK
uuid user_id FK
string organisation_type FK "Polymorphic association with School or Provider"
string organisation_id FK "Polymorphic association with School or Provider"
User {
uuid id PK
string dfe_sign_in_uid FK "Primary key for SSO"
datetime discarded_at
string email UK
string first_name
string last_name
datetime last_signed_in_at
string type "Placements::User or Claims::User"
ClaimWindow }|--|| AcademicYear : "belongs to"
Claim }|--|| ClaimWindow : "belongs to"
Claim }|--|| Provider : "belongs to"
Claim }|--|| School : "belongs to"
MentorMembership }|--|| Mentor : "belongs to"
MentorMembership }|--|| School : "belongs to"
MentorTraining }|--|| Claim : "belongs to"
MentorTraining }|--|| Mentor : "belongs to"
MentorTraining }|--|| Provider : "belongs to"
Partnership }|--|| Provider : "belongs to"
Partnership }|--|| School : "belongs to"
PlacementAdditionalSubject }|--|| Placement : "belongs to"
PlacementAdditionalSubject }|--|| Subject : "belongs to"
PlacementMentorJoin }|--|| Mentor : "belongs to"
PlacementMentorJoin }|--|| Placement : "belongs to"
Placement }|--o| Provider : "belongs to"
Placement }|--|| School : "belongs to"
Placement }|--|| Subject : "belongs to"
SchoolContact |o--|| School : "belongs to"
School }|--|| Region : "belongs to"
School }|--o| Trust : "belongs to"
School }|--|| User : "claims grant condition accepted by"
Subject }|--o| Subject : "belongs to parent subject"
UserMembership }|--|| User : "belongs to"
UserMembership }|--o| Provider : "belongs to (polymorphic)"
UserMembership }|--o| School : "belongs to (polymorphic)"
Onboarding Schools and Providers into the services
Schools need to be onboarded by a support user before they can use either of the services. It's possible for a School to be onboarded into one service and not the other – for example, they could be onboarded into Track & Pay but not School Placements. This gives us the flexibility to run our respective private beta rollouts with different schools, if needed.
Additionally, Providers will need to be onboarded to use the School Placements service. Providers will not use Track & Pay, so will not need onboarding into that service.
All schools from the GIAS import will have a record in the schools
table (the School
entity in our ERD).
The placements_service
and claims_service
boolean attributes will indicate which service(s) the School has been onboarded into. It's possible for Schools to be onboarded to both services, one service, or neither service.
For example:
urn | name | placements_service | claims_service |
100000 | School A | 1 | 0 |
100001 | School B | 0 | 1 |
100002 | School C | 1 | 1 |
100003 | School D | 0 | 0 |
- School A has only been onboarded into the School Placements service.
- School B has only been onboarded into the Track & Pay service.
- School C has been onboarded into both services.
- School D is a school from the GIAS import, but it is not onboarded into either service
The providers
table will be populated with data sourced from the Teacher Training Courses API. In its simplest form, this will serve as a 'lookup table' holding details of every known ITT Provider.
Onboarded Providers will have their placements_service
field set to true
Providers are only onboarded into the School Placements service, because this is the only service Provider Users will need to sign in to. Providers will not sign in to the Track & Pay service.
Users and Organisations
Users are members of Organisations.
Organisation is a polymorphic association which represents either a School or a Provider.
A User belonging to a School in the Track & Pay service won't automatically be able to sign in to the School Placements service and manage Placements for that same School. They'll need to be added to the User list of each service independently if they need to access both.
Since the services will be on different hostnames, they will automatically have different session cookies. So it seems reasonable to consider Users as entirely independent within each service.
Users are scoped by service
, which will be either "placements"
or "claims"
We can consider Users to have the unique composite index:
[service, email]
Users can have many Memberships with Organisations (Schools or Providers). Membership acts as the join table between Users and Schools/Providers.
We can therefore define the following non-unique composite index:
[organisation_type, organisation_id]