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Apply for QTS in England - History and back links

Back links and "check your answers" page have been implemented as per the following journey diagram:

As the user navigates through the site, their history is tracked in the session using the HistoryStack class in combination with the HistoryTrackable concern. When a user clicks on a back link, we pop the latest entry from the stack and redirect them to the previous page using the HistoryController.

Types of pages

Certain pages are given specific behaviours to support the journeys as described in the diagram above:

  • origin: true - If an entry in the stack has origin set to true, that means that it’s the start of a journey, and therefore when a user clicks on a back link from a "check your answers" page they will be taken directly to the previous origin page.
  • check: true - If an entry in the stack has check set to true, that means that it’s a "check your answers" page, and we use this to determine whether the user is currently part of a "check your answers" flow and should therefore be taken back to the "check your answers" page after answering a question.

HistoryTrackable concern

The HistoryTrackable concern automatically records when a user navigates to a page (navigate here refers to any GET request) using a track_history before_action which can be skipped if necessary. There are a number of other methods defined to customise how the page is tracked.

  • define_history_origins - This takes action names which should be defined as origin pages when they’re tracked.
  • define_history_checks - This takes action names which should be defined as check pages when they’re tracked.
  • define_history_resets - This takes action names which should reset the history when they're navigated to, this is useful to clear the history when a user navigates directly to the start of the journey (for example by clicking on a link in the header).