Apply for QTS in England - 2. Reuse existing architecture
Date: 2022-05-16
Apply for qualified teacher status in England is a monolithic Rails application and should use a similar architecture to other monoliths, like Find a lost TRN or Apply for Teacher Training.
We adopt the following ADRs wholesale and agree to follow their decisions:
From "Find a lost TRN"
- 2. Use GOV.UK PaaS
- 3. Use a Ruby on Rails monolith
- 4. Use Postgres
- 5. Use automated tooling to check for security vulnerabilities
- 6. Use Sidekiq and Redis
- 7. Use scheduled jobs with sidekiq_cron
From "Apply for Teacher Training"
- We don't have to justify the same decisions
- We can still make adjustments by creating new ADRs down the line
- Knowledge transfer between teams is simpler
- Sharing code and modules is simpler